An arrow cannot be re-shot under any circumstances..... The arrow may be considered not to have been shot if it falls from the bow or misfires, or if the target blows or falls over. Extra time would be given in such circumstances.
The maximum time permitted to shoot an end of three arrows is two minutes, and four minutes for an end of six arrows.
Bouncer - An arrow that rebounds from the target will still score based on the mark it makes on the target face, if agreed with the person you are shooting with.
Hanger - An arrow that hangs from the target will still score based on the mark it makes on the target face.
Robin Hood - An Arrows that stick – Robin Hood-style – in the nock of another shall score the same as the arrow in which they are embedded (example shown below).
Score Sheets
Shown below are examples of how score sheets should be filled in (correctly) If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a more experienced archer for help....